Tuesday, October 14, 2008

out of the mouth of babes....

A Conversation from the Car...

Faiyaz: "Okay, Anjali, that's your last piece of candy for a while. You've had too much sugar."

Anjali: "It's sugar, it's good. I love it."

Olivia: "I know it tastes good, sweety, but it's not good for your body."

Anjali: "It's my body."

Olivia: "Yes, and you have to take care of it, it has to last you your whole life."

Anjali: "It's my life."

At this point, of course, Faiyaz and I just cracked up laughing. Yes, Anjali really said all that, she's two and a half. No idea where she got that from, we monitor her TV viewing really closely too. We're in serious trouble when she gets to be a teenager...


Dottie! said...

Now THAT just made my day!

Unknown said...

seriously sounds like conversations I have with myself when I am about to eat sugar!

Sugar Jones said...

Oh wow... this one's smart!

I came here via your comment at D'Arcy's blog. I am a mom who has downsized and stopped accepting the opinions of others as my failings.

Nice to "meet" you!

Sugar Jones said...

And never let it be said that Sugar isn't worthy of some love... ;)