Wednesday, July 16, 2008

More random news

Work on the novel goes slowly, with lots of interruptions. I've got to get it done, it's just finding the time. Yesterday was Faiyaz's birthday. I made him a two layer spice cake, and while my decorating skills still to not equal Jasmine's they are much improved. It's only the third time I've frosted a two layer cake. Anjali and I also made him a glitter crown and a home made card that Anjali took particular care in painted.

Sickness wise I've been feeling better, and am only sick when I eat a normal size meal. Our insurance cards should get here this week.

And that's about it. Today I'm going to be doing a lot of housework, including the ever-popular task o washing the dog. I'm going to try to cut the grass in the backyard as a surprise for Faiyaz, who's planning on cutting it when he gets home today, but I know he's going to be too tired. Not sure if I'll be able to, the lawn mower back there came with the house and is as of yet untested. We'll see...


Mrs. Blimes said...

good luck with that grass cutting deal, its hard work!!! you need to post up some pics w/your blogs girl!!!

Jenn said...

I second the picture suggestion:P

Glad you are feeling at least a little better!