Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Photos for Swamp Monster Book

Back during our trip to Florida for Thanksgiving, we drove out to Madison, and I got some Five Hole pictures to share. This is one of the settings for my swamp monster book.


Unknown said...

Your haircut and glasses are so SUPER SUPER cute!

joeythesquash said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
joeythesquash said...

Okay, here's my comment without the ugly typo...
This place would be scary at night. Take a few photos after dark. Watch out for ghosts.

Olivia said...

lol, Joe, we were there after dark! It was getting dark when we finally got there, that's why the pics turned out so bad! Incidentally, I use to swim there a lot. And every time I went, I'd swim across the river and back again...