Monday, November 3, 2008

The Day Before Elections Rant

You know, before we moved I thought I was pretty political. I kept up with things, I had opinions. I could hold my own in a debate (okay, usually I could win the debate). And then we moved here.

Has the rest of the country gone insane, or is it just being here, so close to DC? Let me share with you some of the insanity I've put up with in the past few days, and let me know if it's hitting you too.

-Talking politics during fast and testimony meeting yesterday. No names were said, but they were alluded to from the pulpit. In my opinion, a BIG no-no. Also, this themed carried on into Relief Society. GRRR....

-Last night we got no fewer than ten (and possibly a lot more, we finally just stopped answering the phone) calls about McCain and Obama and who we should vote for and why. Some of these were recordings, but several were real people. Once we just let Anjali answer the phone, and told her to say "Barack Obama" and hang up. She did, and seemed to get a kick out of it. Today (and it's only 11.) I've already gotten five calls about the election, including one from the Hispanic Minority something or other. Why they called me? No idea.

-Over the past two months, we've had seven incidents of people knocking on our door to discuss the election, and why we should vote for their canidate. Those are the ones I've been home for. We've also had lots of flyers left on our door.

-Each day, we get at least one mailer, sometimes as many as seven. One day I opened the mail box to find nothing but political mailers. Seriously. How many trees have died?

And does any of this work? Will a phone call, a flyer, or an annoying person at your door change who you are voting for? I'd like to believe that the debates and personal research would be the things most people use to decide. Before this onslaught, I was voting for Obama, and now I'm still voting for Obama. I don't understand why either party had to waste so much time, energy, and money, not to mention volunteer hours, on me, much less the rest of America. Virginia is a circus, at least this close to DC. What's it like where you live?


The Miller Family said...

Wow. Not like that! At least not at our house. We haven't gotten any calls, or any mail, or anybody at our door! BUT I have to think part of that is due to the fact that we JUST moved in, and are therefore practically invisible...which I'm totally okay with...especially the way you describe it all!

You know what I love? That we can have totally the same, or totally opposite political ideas, yet we can be great friends!

One thing that is not acceptable though...when one friend says "I'll call you right back" and remembers 4 days later as she's commenting on a blog post...not cool! SORRY!!!!

The Miller Family said...

And boo on whoever brought politics into your Sunday meetings! SO not the time or place!

Mrs. Blimes said...

so glad its all over now!!! lets all support our historic president elect!!!

Unknown said...

the one about the church happens all the time here. people actually get into fights and many have said that I am disillusioned and wrong for the person that I wanted to vote for,like I didn't have a brain to figure it out! INSANE is right!!